Future plans for Synergized Scouter.
If you have any ideas that should be added go to the contact page and send us a message.
Version - Early Access
Added Crescendo autonomous
Added Crescendo tele-operated
Added Crescendo end game
Added sign up page
Remodelled some UI
Removed some input fields and replaced with option buttons
Added pre match information
Team Name
Team Number
Match Number
Starting Location
Version - 0.1.0 (Alpha)
Version - 0.2.0 (Alpha)
Windows download available
Added alliance and driver station option to 'Team Information' page
Added drivetrain option for 'Team Information' page
Tank Drive
Mecanum Drive
Swerve Drive
Version - 0.3.0 (Alpha)
Change user data
Different games (e.g. Crescendo, Reefscape)
Different competitions (Australia only)
Share option
Independent data
Added version number in app
More secure sign up
Version - 0.4.0 (Alpha)
iOS and macOS download available
Added country selection
Added version display on start menu
Added email to signup section
Added option to choose whether the competition is in Australia or not.
Version - 0.5.0 (Alpha)
Version - 0.6.0 Reefscape (Alpha)
Added Reefscape scouting
Version - 0.7.0 (Alpha)
Added human player scouting
Fixed competition outside of Australia
Added settings
Added offline detection
Bug Fixes
Version - 0.9.5
Reworked entire UI
Sign up/Login now required to use the app
Added forgot my password
Added delete account feature
Added logout feature
Checks if you have already logged in
Added map for Southern Cross, Melbourne Robotics Tournament, & Duel Down Under
Added live updating count of how many people are scouting each driverstation
Added internet checking for all devices
Moved from spreadsheet to website